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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2 Corinthians 11:3 (NKJV)
But i fear,lest somehow,as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftinesss,so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

hey, this post is dedicated to people who might totally think that God is bad and everything. i am here to stand up for God. i am not addressing this post directly to anyone, but i am trying to stand up for God, and if i can, try to explain(not fully) about the love of God. i know that i will definitely be unable to explain everything of God(if i can, i might as well be God!haha!), but i hope this short post helps.

as seen in 2 Corinthians 11:3
Christ was meant to be SIMPLE. it is not as complicated as what we all think it is! true, there is much more to learn about God, christianity and spiritual maturity. but did God said something like He so loved the world that He sent his son to die for us to know the complexity of Christ? nope, but He said:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

God didnt meant for Christ to be complicated. its really simple. Just believe and you will be saved. Believe is the word. The whole gospel is summarised by one verse, and thats John 3:16, see how simple the gospel is.
but for us to attain spiritual maturity, go on to a higher level with God, we will go on into the more inner depths and understanding of God. thats what discipleship classes, BMT, AMT are for. if you are saved, you can choose to be stagnant and be a Christian that believes in God, or you can choose to be on-fire, radical and do great things for God, understanding Him and move on towards him. Its quite funny if you want to believe in God,but you are not bothered to understand His love and everything. due to this, people think Christ is complicated. but its not.

Some people must have think that why God created the devil? like how Ivan, Justin and alot of people puts it, God didnt created the devil. He created an angel called Lucifer, and Lucifer was jealous of humans and wants to spoil God's creation and prove to God that He was wrong to create humans, cos he saw how much God loved humans. therefore, not wanting to run in this way with God, he fell, and he tried to corrupt God's creation in Adam and Eve. Would a normal human being like you and I create something that goes against us?i think that will be pure stupidity.what more is it for God?
True, God must have sensed that Lucifer was turning his back on him before he really backslided, but God gave him, and all angels, and all humans, and EVERYONE in the world the most Powerful gift in the world. Choice.
if God didnt gave us the power of choice, what for He create living,fleshly human beings? He can just create robots that will do His bidding instead of us who sometimes stubbornly refuse to listen to Him. but God loved us and He gave us this power. again, i do not know why God wants to create humans(if i know everything, i might as well be God).
but one thing i know for sure, He did not created humans for sadistic reason,to do evil things, but He created each human being with a specific purpose and ability. God is a God of freedom. we have songs like "Freedom" from C3, "its for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free". God gave us the power of choice to do anything, yes anything we want! its a powerful substance that is not to be abused, when abused, i believe you know the consequences. God is not a God of condemnation, God is a God of REDEEMER. He will not condemn us for not believing in Him. He did not sit in the throne and say "WAH, this person ar, why dont believe in me? i will curse him like crazy until he knows my power."
instead of wasting His time thinking of all that, and also that His thoughts of us are thoughts of peace, not of evil to give us a hope and a future, He thinks a ways to bring us to Him. notice, its bringing us to Him, but NOT deciding for us if we are going to accept Him into our lives. remember! we are given the power of choice, God is not going to take away this power, He can do whatever it takes to convince us, example like, His presence, anointing, revelation, encounters, miracles, testimonies and so forth. but ultimately, the choice is yours. we cannot say that God "forced us to get saved". did you ever hear God telling you "you must accept me now or you die!" He does everything to cause us to start believing in Him, but to accept Him or not, is your choice.

When you accept God into your life, i believe that you have alot more to gain! i don't think a part of your flesh is gone when you accept God. but differentiate between sacrifice, and losing something. Sacrifice is a willing suffering, a willingness to lose something for God.

i believe that people will change their bad ways, with or without God in their lives, if that person really believed that he is wrong, and he changes, great! but from my experience, and when you come into a situation where nobody seemed to understand your pain, your struggle to change, will you still want to change? will you still be determined to change? for example, you smoke, and you want to change, knowing that its wrong. However, your parents dont understand your struggle and scolds you again and again despite you wanting to change, wont you feel insecure and helpless? however, with God, i believe that you will feel this love that will keep driving you to change, to strive on. i have experienced this before, and if you wanna know, ask me.

Hebrews 4:15-16 "For we do not have a High Priest(Jesus) who cannot symphathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Jesus in all ways was tempted with us. i do not believe that Jesus wasnt tempted to lie, swear, dishonour his parents, insecure about His status as son of a carpenter despite being known as the Son of God, doubts of God, tempted sexual immorally. but YET, He is without sin!
Jesus=God=Holy Spirit the holy trinity.
Since Jesus=God, God was able to understand every single temptation and problems we faced in our lives! You must be thinking that Jesus is God, of course He can prevent himself from sinning, not true! in the bible it says that Jesus put aside ALL His divine priviliges, and OVERCAME every single temptation with His FLESH. if Jesus is able to overcome this as a human, we can! that is what makes Jesus so unique! this came from Pastor AR Bernard's sermon.

when you sin, you are at fault. true. and sometimes we keep saying that devil is the cause of it, and we make him sound like the "scapegoat". its true that we are the one who sinned, and the devil was tempting us to sin. so when we sin, we cannot say that its devil that make us do that and we have nothing to do with it. remember! the power of choices. However, the devil is evil. for example, when you smoke, who is the one who cause you to smoke? your friend influnced you, then we go on and on with friends who influence the first person who smoke in the world, and who tempt him to sin? the devil. but the choice is really in your hands. devil is the tempter, and you are the one who make that choice, to sin or not. but remember, before you sin, remember the fear of God, after you sin, remember the love of God. Pastor How said that.

What you believe in, is really up to you. i love you despite what you believe in. I can love without evangelising, but i cant evangelise without loving.
I love you.
and most of all, God loves you.
i really hope this helps you, i felt the Holy Spirit guiding my to type this post. it wasnt my strength alone.
thank God.
i am able to stand till this day, still holding onto Him. i hope you do too :)
love you

What about me?
Im a ChiLd of God;
God loves me for who i am:)
DaryL See Yu Xiang, 15