hey guys, just wanna put some photos on my blog, haha!! i was just rumagging through my 400 photos in my phone and i saw this.
this photo was taken 2 YEARS AGO. i had such a kiddy face. i think my sis is going to kill me for putting this up. haha! didnt know that i have a sis?? haha, she's in B4!!! HAHAH :)

the following photo was taken a few months ahead i think. haha, my sis abit unglam, but i still posted it. HAHAH!!!

haah!! this photo was taken like, a few weeks back!! :) see, me and her grown so much liaox.

its great to have an elder sister mann :)

i must say, i really am thankful to my sis, and the people who brought my sis three years ago. my sister reached out to me and my heart was touched by God. her fight of faith kept me going and due to PO at home,i began to be more on-fire. :)
my sis is great. haha!! if you think so, please tag at my tagboard. HAHA!