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Monday, October 06, 2008
i have a GREAT feeling to blog today! cos, i have quite much thing to blog about too!! haha.

as you can see in the title, its gotta do something the words thank you and sorry.

i was wondering, why is it so that sometimes its hard to say these words, although they may seems so easy to say. although they may seems just like 1 or 2 word, it is POWERFUL and IMPACTFUL and can change ALOT of things.

i have notice somestuff. it always seems SO hard for parents to lie down their pride and say these words. i have noticed it so in my parents, that hardly whenever they did anything wrong, they hardly will lie down low and explain their wrongdoings, which sometimes really dissapoints me and irks me.

thank you. a word of gratitude.
it is easy to say, but hard to mean it.
no matter how small, or how big a person helped you, you normally show your gratitude through a small thanks.
however, if you are full of servant heartedness, you will not wanna have anythign in return if you serve, although a nice thank you really brightens your day.
i remembered always that whenever me and my sister quarrels with my parents, they will get out their ultimate weapon: "we have done so much for you and you are so unappreciative. we help you iron clothes, buy this, do that..."
my sister was saying that if they really have a servantheart, thye wouldnt mind doing this things for us.
i was thinking about it too. why would they want to be so proud of what they have done for us? do they really love us that they are williing to do this things for us? or just want us to repay? if that is so, why would they want to be so unhappy that they have served us but we didnt gave them anything back?
you may be happy of what you ahve done/accomplished, but never be arrogant/.

thats what i feel...


my friend, the one i mentioned at the previous post depended FARtoo much on me, until i really like pushed off my limit. he calls me 4-6 times a day normally and talks for 1/2 hr. until i really exasperated and want to hang up, he just keep clinging on and i have to just say "ok gtg BYE..." then hang up...

it sometimes get on my nerves and he just dont understand...
moreover, in times he needs my help academically, he asks me and when i cant help him, he will be most unhappy. also, when i helped him wrongly(in which i also am unsure of) he will blame me like mad and give me this kind of stupid character that irks me like mad. like when he need me, i will help, but if i accidentally made him fall, he blames me. i really am is fed-up with him sometimes ><

seriously, i just cant hold on sometimes. if he needs my help, i can if i would. but
if you would want to blame me after this, or in times where i cant help you, then why ask me for help?

also, his insecure attitudes sometimes irks me very much. but i cant blame him, i am also like this last time ><

but whatever it is, God is here to help me ^^ that is something i am happu of!

exams just two more, lit and home econ. just hoping that i acedall subjects, i hope to take art next year! ^^


What about me?
Im a ChiLd of God;
God loves me for who i am:)
DaryL See Yu Xiang, 15